Move, Don't be a chicken, move! - 2018

Move, Don't be a chicken, Move!
A monument for new stories

A local variation on all those formal and solemn equestrian statues you find everywhere in the world. Local because it is based on my impressions, feelings and thoughts about Moengo. And local because all parts are more or less made by local craftsmen and artisans.
The work is an accumulation of different works and styles: a classical pedestal, though with 24 sides in the shape of chicken legs. The text on the pedestal is cut out from traditional wood carving. The iron frame of a plucked chicken is quite abstract and painted in the colors of the local demarcation poles. The figurative figures on top of the chicken are traditional dancing maroons.
(public work in collaboration with local craftsmen and artisans in Moengo, Suriname)