
I stopped with painting in 2014
Here a brief overview of 30 years painting (with many gaps)

Acrylic on canvas - 140x100 - 2014

 Adam and Eve after Natoire, Michelangelo, Dürer, Dürer, Cornelis van Haarlem, Cranach the Elder, Cranach the Elder and Titian
Oil on acrylic on canvas - 90x60 - 2013

Oil on acrylic on canvas - 60x90 - 2012

The Rape of Europe 
Oil on acrylic on canvas - 160x160 - 2011

Sweet revenge with yellow lollipop
Oil on canvas - 90x60 - 2008

Sweet revenge with blue lollipop
Oil on canvas - 90x60 - 2008

Choose your favourite .....hands 
(4 paintings that can be turned in a frame)
Oil on panel - 4x 80x80 - 2008

Acrylic on canvas - 2x 120x90 - 2007

Oil on canvas - 2x 160x120 - 2007

Acrylic on canvas - 2x 120x80 - 2006

Goose stepping and Ballet
Acrylic on canvas - 2x 180x60 - 2006

Areas of color and flamenco
Acrylic on canvas - 200x130 - 1994

Jumping far and high
Oil on canvas - 160x120 - 1991

Mickey Mouse watches a woman
Acrylic on canvas - 180x100 -1988

No lights allowed
Oil on canvas - 135x100 -1984

Waiting in Tuschinski
Oil on canvas - 150x110 - 1984

Fish stockings
Oil on canvas - 84x126 - 1984